Parental Help for First Time Buyers in Chelmsford

First-time buyers are increasingly relying on their parents to help them purchase their first home. Around 27% have either borrowed or were given money by family towards the initial deposit,…

Moving Home in Chelmsford

“Moving House” may be the term we commonly use, but moving HOME is surely a better description for one of life’s more stressful experiences. Few changes in life, other than…

Upfront Estate Agency Fees Don’t Add Up!

If you’re thinking of moving, beware of agents who advertise a surprisingly low commission to entice you, as a prospective seller, to invite them to your home with a view…

Having Smart Home Compatibility

Homeowners are rapidly becoming hooked up to “the internet of things” by linking everything from their lighting, fridge, doorbell, central heating, sound system, and more, at the touch of a…

Take Advantage of The Leap Year When Buying or Selling in Chelmsford

This year is a leap year – the 29th February only occurs every four years – which is about as frequently as many people used to move house during the…

Have an Agent With the Right Website

There are still some remarkably old-fashioned estate agents out there who believe that their website has perfectly connected them to the digital age. Yet, on closer inspection, some agents’ websites…

Social Media with your Agent

Love it or hate it, social media’s impact on property marketing has been profound, but there is far more to this dark art than meets the eye. Some estate agents…

Parking Opportunities for Homeowners in Chelmsford

Parking is the downside of the convenience of car ownership and everyone knows how difficult and expensive parking close to work can be. Not everyone finds the bus or train…

Instructing a Competent Agent to Sell Your Property!

As estate agents we are acutely aware of the need to understand and assist with some of the frustrations involved in the moving process. One of the most immediate irritations…

Serving Section 21’s to Evict a Tenant

There has recently been a lot of controversy surrounding the possible withdrawal of Section 21 as a way of evicting a tenant who has not specifically breached any of the…

Does a House Name Add Value?

The name of their property is, to many people, as important as the car they drive and says a lot about the owner. For example, stating your address as “The…

The Key to a Secure Move

Most people who are happy to instruct an agent to sell their property are usually just as happy to provide a key for the purpose of buyer viewings. And with…