Valuation Versus Value, when selling your Chelmsford Home

Estate agents’ market valuations are usually free, and because of this, it is very tempting for prospective sellers to invite a number of agents to comment and then select the…

Let your Chelmsford property Shine!

As a landlord you’ll want to minimise the time your property is empty between tenancies (what we call the void period) so it is essential that your property is looking…

Keep your agent onside: our top 5 tips

When your house is on the market, good communication between you and your estate agent is really important.  Without communication, there can be no trust, and without trust, there is…

3 reasons Lego doesn’t sell houses

If you’re selling your home and have children, have you considered their impact on your viewings? As much as you love your little ones, there are a few things you…

Making an instant impression – the right way

When potential buyers come to your home for the first time, the hallway is the first room they’ll see and yet it can be surprisingly overlooked. A lot of people don’t consider…

Towels and flowers: keeping your house in show-home condition

I know this may  not be practical but once you are on the market, try to keep your home spick and span, and beautifully tidy. Buy fresh flowers, and keep…

Your pricing strategy; what you need to know

The final decision to make before you are ready to launch your home to the market, is the asking price. There are several factors to consider when setting your price:…

It’s Not Just About Selling When Selling Your Property in Chelmsford

Many estate agents put substantial emphasis on their ability to find a buyer, and they highlight this as a primary reason to sell through them. However, we believe in going…

How does your home smell?

Today I thougth I would touch on a delicate subject.  While your home might be flawless in your own eyes, there are certain things that can instantly put buyers off.…

Why you need a For Sale board

Afternoon, I hear many reasons against having a for sale board: it’s a security risk; we don’t want our neighbours to know; we don’t want people to knock on the…

How to add value without dropping your asking price

If your home is on the market already, and you’re not getting serious interest from buyers, one option is to drop your asking price. However, it’s not the only option:…

Viewing Etiquette

When a buyer views your home, they can bring more than dreams and visions with them: the bottom of their shoes can leave a lasting reminder of their visit!  Asking…