1,056% – Rise in Chelmsford Property Prices since 1981

Roll the clock back 35 years to 1981, and Mrs. T was in power, we had a Royal Wedding, Britain won the Ashes and Bucks Fizz won Eurovision with ‘Making…

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Chelmsford Property Market Comment – October 2016

Powerful opposing forces seem to be keping the property market in check this October, driven by the usual suspects. Demand remains high, but supply is still short. Interest rates are…

Chelmsford Property Market in 2017 and Beyond

As the trees turn from green to hues of red and brown, the Chelmsford property market has a confident feel to it. With the underlying fundamentals of a continued lack…

What is really happening in the Chelmsford Property Market?

Well its been a few months since Brexit and as we settle into the Autumn with Great British Bake Off, Strictly and the Football season ... the newspapers are returning…

5.9% of Chelmsford People live in Shared Households

I had an interesting chat the other day with a Chelmsford landlord. He said he had been chatting with an architect friend of his who said back in the mid…


Are you looking to sell or rent your home? Would you like to know what your house is worth? Or are you just being nosey? We now offer instant online…