Turning The Heating Down

  • 6 out of 10 people across the UK support the drive to cut emissions to almost zero by 2050, according to a recent poll reported by the Independent. To reach net zero in this timeframe, millions of people will need turn their heating down to 19°C in winter, as one of many lifestyle changes according to the Committee on Climate Change.
  • A third of UK greenhouse gases come from the domestic sector. Research by the Department for Energy and Climate Change and Cambridge Architectural Research (2012) identified the two top energy saving measures for households were: 1) turning heating down by 2 degrees from 20°C to 18°C and 2) by 1 degree from 19°C to 18°C.
  • A survey conducted this month by You Gov found that 44% of British households typically heated their home to 20 degrees or more, with a further 27% heating to between 18 and 19 degrees.
  • Owning an energy efficient home is another step that can be taken to help reduce carbon footprint. Over the last four years, there have been on average 1,300 homes sold each year with the highest EPC energy rating and these could have reductions of up to 25% in their heating and lighting. The East and South East regions have the highest concentrations at 17% and this reflects the distribution of new build homes.

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