Rental Resolutions: Five Things Landlords Can Improve in 2024

As we usher in 2024, it’s common to set personal resolutions, such as embracing a healthier lifestyle, reducing work hours, or embarking on a new hobby. But if you’re a landlord, why not extend this spirit of renewal to your property management as well? By adopting property-related resolutions, you can streamline the management of your Chelmsford rental properties, ultimately freeing up more time to focus on achieving your personal aspirations.

Let’s explore five key resolutions that could significantly enhance your efficiency as a landlord, saving both time and money in the process.

  1. Insurance Review and Update:
    Regularly reviewing your landlord insurance is crucial. Mark the renewal date in your calendar well in advance, allowing yourself ample time to explore new deals and avoid auto-renewing. This approach prevents the risk of unanticipated premium hikes or changes in policy terms that could go unnoticed. Moreover, ensure your policy comprehensively covers you, especially for common risks like flooding and water damage, a pertinent concern given recent weather patterns.
  2. Evaluating Your Letting Agent:
    Reflect on the performance of your current letting agent. Was their service up to the mark this past year? If you found it lacking, consider consulting with other local letting agents to understand what they offer. While the cost is a significant factor, don’t neglect the importance of a strong, trust-based relationship. The right agent should not only be financially viable but also capable of diligently managing your property and maintaining a good rapport with tenants.
  3. Streamlining Property Management:
    Being organised is the cornerstone of effective property management. Plan and schedule all necessary safety checks, appliance servicing, and property inspections. Keeping these activities organised in a calendar ensures you’re always prepared and can prevent minor issues from escalating.
  4. Investing in Long-term Property Upgrades:
    Skimping on property maintenance can be a short-sighted strategy. Properties that are fresh, modern, and well-maintained attract quality tenants more easily. Consider the long-term benefits of upgrading areas like kitchens, bathrooms, and heating systems, rather than continually opting for quick fixes. These investments can prove more economical over time, reducing the frequency and cost of repairs.
  5. Enhancing Landlord-Tenant Communication:
    A harmonious landlord-tenant relationship is invaluable. Encourage open communication with your tenants, inviting them to report issues promptly. However, don’t solely depend on them to identify problems. Some tenants might hesitate to reach out, either fearing blame or not recognising the urgency of certain issues. Proactive communication and regular check-ins can help identify and resolve problems early, ensuring a smoother rental experience for all involved.

By embracing these resolutions, you can optimise your role as a landlord, creating a more efficient, less stressful, and ultimately more profitable property management experience.

Contact us today to learn about our property management services.  

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