That Friday Feeling in Chelmsford

We have been digging around into the Land Registry data which has revealed a few curious results. In particular, we looked into the day of the week when properties complete.

However, we found the variation by price band interesting. Higher value properties are less likely to complete on a Friday than those in the lower price thresholds. Just a third of sales sold last year and priced at £2 million or more completed on a Friday, compared to over 50% of those priced under £250,000.

It is of little surprise that more properties complete on a Friday then any other day in the week. In 2017, nearly half of all sales (48%) completed on a Friday. Thursdays accounted for 15% of completions with 12% occurring on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

So, we are interested to know why this might be. Can any of our followers offer any suggestions as to the reason for this? email me personally or why not contact me on our new live chat?

Have a great weekend.




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