Feng Shui for Beginners

The ancient Chinese practice of feng shui literally means ‘wind’ and ‘water’. So, is it a valuable guide for harmonious living or a load of hot air? 

Even if you don’t know exactly what feng shui is all about, you’ve probably heard LA celebrities and interior designers extolling the virtues of it.

So if it works for Bill Gates, Madonna and George Clooney, could feng shui work for you? Here’s a rundown of the basics.


Feng shui is a practice that dates back to China 4,000 years ago. Initially dismissed by westerners as superstition, by the 1980s and 1990s, it had become popular with celebrities and big corporations. For example, Coca-Cola and Nike reportedly use feng shui in their headquarters to boost productivity.


Feng shui involves arranging living spaces and workplaces to create harmony by balancing nature’s key elements: fire, water, metal, earth, and wood. Indoor plants, mirrors, warm lighting, and colors and textures can be used to recreate elements of nature. When arranging furniture, you must be mindful of how qi (life force energy) flows. Clutter negatively affects flow, so one of the central tenets of feng shui is getting rid of clutter.

Basic Rules

Here are some basic rules of feng shui that you can implement in your living space:

  1. The front door is the main portal and how the outside world sees your home. Ensure it is clean and clear of obstruction.
  2. The kitchen is a source of nourishment, so it must be spotlessly clean.
  3. When arranging seating, chairs should face each other to facilitate communication.
  4. Keep the toilet lid down in the bathroom to prevent prosperity from going down the drain.
  5. Indoor plants represent improved productivity and cash flow.
  6. A small cat or frog ornament on your desk will bring you prosperity and luck.


Feng shui may seem like superstition to some, but there is some common sense in its approach. By creating a harmonious living space, you may find that your productivity and well-being improve. Have you ever tried feng shui? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you.

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